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Sunday Expansion No. 2

Joshua Tree, Heather Day art
Photo: @heatherdayart

Expansion is a series sharing the beautiful, the thought provoking, the inspirational and

the need-to-know discoveries of the week.



This Atlanta loft caught my attention and gave me some new interior design goals to strive towards. Its such a refreshing space, free of the ever popular bohemian macrame, quirky neon signs, and over purchased, mass produced decor. That being said, it doesn't leave you wanting anything in terms of simplistic decadence, a killer art collection, and no lack of authenticity and personal style. The full loft tour can be found on Apartment Therapy.


When we think of the grandness and rich forest of the Amazon, its a picture perfect image of an untouched, wild sanctuary of nature. But a new study has examined the soils and found that it was indeed touched by human intention long ago, using fire, manure and compost to strengthen and enrich the soil and its growing abilities. There might even be some great lessons found in the Amazon forest for us in our modern age of farming and replenishing our lands. Check out the article over at Tree Hugger.


This artist has ignited my soul in a playful and energetic burst of colors and organic form time and time again with her magnetic paintings. She's a proven vet at the art of self expression and has been commissioned to paint the world many times over with her ethereal and interactive, larger-than-life murals. Meet Heather Day and see a glimpse of the world through her eyes.


The power of positive thinking can change a person's life, and if done properly, many believe help to manifest the out comings we so desire, whether materialistic or on a more spiritual note. But have you ever thought about how this optimistic viewpoint can affect our health? I've heard along the way that health is simply something that cannot be coerced with optimism. But in all reality, our bodies are 100% energetics. And the vibrancy of the energy we emit, can make or break a situation. So why wouldn't that apply to how we perceive and react to pain? Read the lengthy but incredibly informative article, Where Pain Lives, and gain a new perspective on Aeon.


In case you need a moment of heart warming wisdom...and who are we kidding? We all need as much of that as we can get. Tune into this enlightening and gentle video of life lessons and memories from 3 incredible individuals, all over the age of 100. These souls are still vibrant lights in our world and they aren't intending on going anywhere anytime soon. Watch the full video on LifeHunters.

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