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Image by Валерия
in Our Ever-Changing Climate

It will be my greatest honor to further expand my offerings with the addition of Healing Nutrition & Holistic Wellness Coaching for my community.

We as a society are often so detached from ourselves, our neighbors, and the land in which we inhabit. And in our frustration amidst these layers of disconnection, we have forgotten that so much of what we seek lies within bringing ourselves back to our own intuition. Allowing our inner healer, our inner wisdom, to do the work and lead the way.

I want to help my community relearn the ways of their own unique wisdom and path in this life. Rather than putting the focus on looking to the external to find answers and guidance, we will begin to tune back into our inner voice and the messages our body both gives and receives each and every day to bring us back into alignment.

Please so kindly subscribe to the newsletter below if you are interested in being informed as soon as Life in Ceremony will be open for new client intake.

I look forward to serving you in your wellness journey as we begin to heal the collective through our own invaluable reawakening.

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